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Project References

AQUO project

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European FP7 programme, Achieve QUieter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction. Was led by Naval Group (France, previously known as DCNS). The rest of the consortium was participated by several companies, universities and research centres such as QuietOceans, Bureau Veritas, University of Strathclyde, UPC, Cehipar and TSI, among others. The main objective of the project was the assessment and mitigation of noise impacts of the maritime transport on the marine environment, being this topic within the framework of “The Ocean of Tomorrow Projects” and in accordance to the European Directive 2008/56/EC (Marine Framework Strategy Directive), in which the underwater noise is widely considered. The project was supported by relevant innovative methods and tools, which have been used so far to assess the effectiveness of noise mitigation means and enabling the selection of the most appropriate ones depending on the vessel. TSI led the Work Package related to noise on-site measurements, developing a unique class notation of URN measurement along with Bureau Veritas (BV-NR614), which addresses a proper methodology as well as a recorded data post-process and its possible uncertainties. In addition, TSI also designed a buoy to perform URN tests of the vessels considered in the project. During the project, it was developed and managed a end-user committee with 23 stakeholders of the shipping industry, academic community and policy makers.

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As partners in this innovative #FIBRE4YARDS project, and joining the entire consortium, we are delighted to receive the #JECWorldInnovation2025 award in the category of Maritime Transport and Shipbuilding. FIBRE4YARDS has developed new composite production technologies to redefine shipbuilding by adopting modular construction and automated processes – read on!

OCEANS 2024 | TSI presents cutting-edge technology to combat underwater noise in Halifax

We are pleased to inform that TSI, through its R&D&I Director Santiago Molins Riera, has recently participated in the #OCEANS2024 Congress held in Halifax (Canada) between 23-27 September 2024, with the technical paper ‘A Quick and Technically and Economically Feasible Response on Reducing the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) by Existing Ships…’. It presents a quick, technically and economically feasible proposal for the reduction of URN produced by ships. Read on it!