Industry 4.0
Marine Services
Industry 4.0
Currently, the DIGITALIZATION processes and DATA needed for “Reliable & Connected” are leading investments and changes in companies. Likewise, the instrumentation technology advancement and monitoring systems, together with the latest generation data treatment and processing methods, are motivating maintenance and reliability departments to reinvent themselves; guiding its efforts in generating new tools for the control and monitoring of the health status of its assets, and with the common objective of:
- Operational Risk Control Improvement.
- Cost Maintenance Optimization.
- Decision Making Improvements Process.
- Furthermore, this enables the development of digital ship twins and other marine artifacts,
as these models can be powered with the high value-added data obtained through the different solutions that TSI offers.
TSI your reliable Partner, from the design process to the decision-making.
TSI offers the best adapted solutions for our clients, by contributing with our historical background, our know-how and our technical solvency in every stage of what could constitute an Instrumentation and Monitoring Project for Dynamic and Static Machinery. The combination of our classic commercial solutions with modern trends, our capability to develop new technological systems within our R&D department to meet global market needs, our activity in the market since 1983 and our Projects and Maintenance department, is what makes of TSI your best possible partner from Specification & Design to the Decision Making Stage for the following activities:
- Condition based maintenance in vessels (cbm).
- To enhance control of the operative risks.
- Optimaze maintenance costs.
- Enhancement of decision-making processes.
- Encourage the development of technical personnel by promoting skills with high added value for the company.
- Baseline condition of structure and continuous shm.
- Cavitation detection system.