We are pleased to inform that TSI -Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería S.L., through its R&D&I Director Santiago Molins Riera, has recently participated in the #OCEANS2024 Congress held in Halifax (Canada) between 23 and 27 September 2024, with the technical article ‘A Quick and Technically and Economically Feasible Response on Reducing the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) by Existing Ships: Control of Propeller Cavitation and URN simultaneously’. The article, written by Publio Beltrán together with Eric Baudin (Innovation – Global Service Line Energy Transition Manager at Bureau Veritas Group Solutions Marine & Offshore) and the TSI team. It presents a rapid, technically and economically feasible proposal for the reduction of URN produced by existing vessels, focusing on the control of propeller cavitation and on the estimation by transfer functions from onboard measurements. It is well known that since 2008 when the IMO addressed the concern about the impact of URN on marine life, progress has been made in the regulatory framework that reflects a historical evolution in the understanding and management of this phenomenon, highlighting the activities that have led to the publication of a series of voluntary ‘Guidelines’ for the reduction of URN, which underline the increasing consideration of this problem by the Shipping Sector. The article analyses the current situation in the industry, with a special focus on maintenance and efficiency issues, which are critical in the implementation of URN mitigation measures. One of the key innovations presented is the Ni-CDS -Non-intrusive Cavitation Detection System- which has demonstrated proven results in identifying and quantifying the severity of propeller cavitation. This system allows operational measures to be taken in real time to prevent cavitation, which significantly contributes to reducing URN emissions. Finally, two solutions for URN control on ships have been presented, the first one is the use of Ni-CDS for cavitation detection and quantification and thus URN. The second is the estimation of URN using a transfer function approach from the structural noise (SBN) of the ship’s machinery. This approach represents not only a technical breakthrough, but also a rapid and responsible response to the need to protect marine wildlife. Follow us on our LinkedIn account, so you don’t miss anything!

Congreso Oceans 2024 Halifax TSI

Momentos durante el Congreso Oceans 2024 Halifax TSI