As part of our RDI strategic plan and simultaneously with the ongoing project FP7 AQUO and INCASS, TSI participates under the direction of Gabadi, SL in collaboration with BUREAU VERITAS, A Coruña University, as a member of the consortium of the Project SIMHO.
The SIMHO project aims the development of pre-assembled modular systems to enable containerized units, mainly to offshore units which technological solutions must be equally applicable to FPSO vessels.
Due to the necessary standardization of the design and the wide range of application fields, engineering solutions studied relating to: fire resistance, systems integration, structural integrity against earthquakes / balance etc … significantly complicate the task of identifying solutions in the project.
TSI as specialized consultant in the field of noise and vibration carry out the structural design dynamic tests, detailed definition of assembly and acoustic insulation solutions. All of them will be validated by the corresponding full-scale tests of prototypes for certifying the suitability of the proposed solutions.
It is important to point out in the Project the proper design of innovative vibro-acoustic insulation solutions in the different levels of containers to know the required standards in terms of comfort and simultaneously ensure the structural integrity of the assembly in the wide range of operating conditions required.
The SIMHO project demonstrates the potential of the Spanish auxiliary industry that is able to propose and develop a new RDI project for its immediate market making. The global shipbuilding industry in this type of solutions enable the development of auxiliary industries due to the saving costs corresponding to the shipowner by the decrease in assembly time, weight and lifetime of the installation.