Project References
EMLES project
[EMLES: Light, Efficient and Sustainable Tidal Energy]
The EMLES project, which is part of the SAIL2FUTURE tractor project, aims to research innovative sustainable composite materials for the manufacture of tidal generator blades using an automated process. The aim of this project is to be able to offer environmentally friendly structures.
Both EMLES and SAIL2FUTURE are aligned with the Programme for granting aid to integral actions of the industrial value chain of the naval sector within the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation in the sector for the streamlining and diversification of the Spanish naval ecosystem (PERTE NAVAL).
Sustainable materials study
Bio-based and recyclable.
Process optimisation
Use of monitoring and control technologies.
Infusion manufacturing
Development of process automation.
Evaluation and integration of technologies.
The aim of the EMLES project is to explore new sustainable materials for the creation of composites using an automated and easily replicable process.
Currently, the composite materials used in the manufacture of tidal energy blades have a low recyclability, which negatively affects their environmental impact. In addition, the manufacturing process is poorly automated, with low consistency in the quality of the parts and labour-intensive, which negatively affects the time, cost and quality of the product.
The EMLES project (Light, Efficient and Sustainable Tidal Energy), part of the SAIL2FUTURE initiative, is a collaboration between the companies INPRE COMPOSITES , CRAMIX and TSI, together with the GAIKER technology centre. Its aim is to research new sustainable materials for the manufacture of composites by means of an automated and replicable process, in order to offer high quality, efficient and environmentally friendly structures in the future.
The use of bio-based and recyclable resins with high strain at break and toughness will be investigated to improve the fatigue resistance of the blades. The study will focus on the mechanical properties of different resin matrices, sustainable coatings and natural fibres. Following the study, it will be put into practice by creating a composite to improve mechanical performance and enable the development of larger blades that generate more energy, with an optimised and clean manufacturing process.
Objectives of the EMLES project:
Study of sustainable materials for the manufacture of tidal blades
Until now, as in the wind industry, the blades are generally made of fibreglass with epoxy resins. These materials are very difficult to recycle at the end of the blades’ useful life, which is usually around 25 years, so the aim is to manufacture these parts with more sustainable materials.
Automation and monitoring of the infusion process
The infusion process is the most typical method of manufacturing composite materials, but it has an important manual component. Therefore, the aim is to automate this process.
How does TSI participate in this project?
TSI’s role within the EMLES project is focused on structural issues:
- Definition of the specifications and requirements of the tidal blade.
- Characterisation of the materials identified.
- Design of the blade with the selected materials, taking into consideration the performance and fatigue life of the blade.
- Mechanical testing of the demonstrator.
The EMLES project is a collaboration between three companies: INPRE COMPOSITES, CRAMIX and TSI; and the GAIKER technology centre. The project is part of the programme for granting aid for integrated actions in the industrial value chain of the naval sector within the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation in the sector for the streamlining and diversification of the Spanish naval ecosystem (PERTE NAVAL).