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Avda. Pio XII, 44 · Torre 2 - Madrid, (Spain) +34913459730

Excellent news! 👏 As partners in this innovative #FIBRE4YARDS project, and joining the whole consortium, we are delighted to receive the #JECWorldInnovation2025 award in the category of Maritime Transport and #shipbuilding. FIBRE4YARDS has developed new composite production technologies to redefine shipbuilding through the adoption of modular construction and automated processes. In addition, the project has developed new design tools and production software based on IoT technology (in which TSI SL specialises, together with other partners). This project specialises in improving production, minimising environmental impact, improving quality and reducing shipbuilding costs. This is achieved through the use of new automated processes in the shipyard such as additive manufacturing, reusable moulds that can adopt double curvature shapes, curved profiles, stamped thermoplastics and new connection technologies to facilitate the assembly of all parts. FIBRE4YARDS has also designed a complete sensor system that feeds a digital twin of the shipyard, and new software tools to incorporate the new production processes into the ship design. 


What are the key benefits?

  • Improve fibre shipbuilding production.
  • Improve the quality of the ships produced.
  • Minimise the environmental impact of shipbuilding.
  • Minimise the cost of shipbuilding.
  • Technologies exportable to other sectors.

This award recognises the #innovation and impact of a pioneering project that redefines shipbuilding through new technologies for the production of composite materials and processes. TSI -Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería S.L.- is part of the consortium of this unique project that started in 2021. We actively participate in the development and implementation of a monitoring system based on #IoT technologies focused on production control and predictive maintenance of machinery. Machinery involved in the fibre manufacturing processes proposed by the different technologists of the consortium (led by CINME, collaborating with more than 15 partners from different countries). In addition, we contributed all our #experience in the field of vibrations to measure and characterise the dynamic properties in fibre panels with various damping treatments, as well as in the counters built during the project. This recognition is a reflection of the effort and commitment of the entire consortium. We are very proud to contribute to the transformation of the maritime industry towards a more sustainable and innovative future. You can watch the full Premiere of the event here!

Jec Innovation Awards 2025 CINME recoge-el premio en Paris. CINME - Prf. Xavier Martínez García

Congratulations on this great achievement!

JEC Innovation Awards 2025

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OCEANS 2024 | TSI presents cutting-edge technology to combat underwater noise in Halifax

We are pleased to inform that TSI, through its R&D&I Director Santiago Molins Riera, has recently participated in the #OCEANS2024 Congress held in Halifax (Canada) between 23-27 September 2024, with the technical paper ‘A Quick and Technically and Economically Feasible Response on Reducing the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) by Existing Ships…’. It presents a quick, technically and economically feasible proposal for the reduction of URN produced by ships. Read on it!


For twelve years TSI has been certified as a Service Supplier of the Classification Society Bureau Veritas, being the first company authorised to carry out vibration and noise measurements to obtain class notation in accordance with the standard: “Classification of Steel Ships, Part E, Chapter 6 Comfort on Board”.