The Spanish Navy (Las Palmas) with ALI- Apoyo Logístico Integrado and TSI- TÉCNICAS Y SERVICIOS DE INGENIERÍA S.L. obtaines a fantastic result in the seminar Vibration Analyst Category CAT I (ISO 18436-2) with a 80% pass rate.
This seminar took place from 23rd to 27th November in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain).
This seminar was given by our General Manager, Publio Beltrán, with more than 38 years of experience solving Vibration and Noise Problems in vessels, training and specialization in Condition Based Maintenance Systems (CBM).
With this kind of activities, the Spanish Navy is prepared to improve the Condition Based Maintenance Systems installed in its modern vessels like the first and second generation of BAM (Maritime Action Ship).
This activity of training and staff specialization in these systems are included within the “Support Service and Technical Assistance to the Vibration Monitoring Systems and Condition Implementation” that TSI carry out in the following fields: Marine, Industrial, Oil & Gas and Power Generation.