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Avda. Pio XII, 44 · Torre 2 - Madrid, (Spain) +34913459730

Specialized Seminar

CBM Seminar Condition Based Maintenance Seminar.

Customer Satisfaction Index 8.88%


Operation and Maintenance costs reduction, implementing from scratch and in no more than six (6) months a comprehensive CBM program or assessing the existing one. The following activities will be carried out:

  • Mentoring and training in how to analyse and identify critical maintenance issues before typical failures occur by means of vibration measurement, analysis and control. Spectrum and vibration analysis training.
  • Definition of the main stages of a CBM Project.
  • Continuous Monitoring/Protection of vessels’ critical equipment.

Aimed at:

Heads and Officers of the Navy, Operations Supervisors, Maintenance Managers, Systems Integrators, Companies and Engineers oriented to Condition-Based Maintenance -CBM- for ships for civil and military use. It is not essential to have prior knowledge of this methodology and its tools. No previous knowledge or experience is needed.


TSI’s headquartes in Madrid. For fully customised programmes, please contact TSI

Upcoming Calls

202505marAll Day07CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) For VesselsSeminar

202503sepAll Day05CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) For VesselsSeminar



Morning: 09:00 – 14:00.
Afternoon: 15:00 – 18:00.
Friday: 09:00 – 14:00.


21 hours



Information and Reservation Form

Please complete this form to book your place on a seminar. TSI confirm in writing the acceptance to the seminar selected as strict order of receipt of applications.

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    Marcando esta casilla, aceptas recibir comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestra entidad a través del teléfono, correo postal ordinario, fax, correo electrónico o medios de comunicación electrónica equivalentes.


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    OCEANS 2024 | TSI presents cutting-edge technology to combat underwater noise in Halifax

    We are pleased to inform that TSI, through its R&D&I Director Santiago Molins Riera, has recently participated in the #OCEANS2024 Congress held in Halifax (Canada) between 23-27 September 2024, with the technical paper ‘A Quick and Technically and Economically Feasible Response on Reducing the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) by Existing Ships…’. It presents a quick, technically and economically feasible proposal for the reduction of URN produced by ships. Read on it!

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