TSI will participate in 3 new European R&D Projects in the H2020 framework
TSI was awarded with 3 European Projects funded by the European Commission through different calls of the Horizon 2020 program (H2020). The proposals of these projects were prepared during the first semester of 2020.
A set of strategical topics for TSI will be addressed in these projects: Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) mitigation and measurement, IoT solutions, monitoring for Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence, innovative production techniques for composite materials shipbuilding, shipyard 4.0, new materials in offshore renewable platforms and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), among others.
In addition, TSI will collaborate with different companies, universities and research centres, most of them the best in their field, to fulfil the respective scopes of the projects according to their documents of action.
As always, TSI will carry out lots of dissemination actions during the projects to spread achievements and findings, informing the scientific and engineering community as well as the general audience. It is a commitment of TSI and its partners, acknowledging the support of the European Commission to the R&D and innovation actions of SMEs such as TSI as well as other companies, universities and research centres of the European scene.
The projects and the participation of TSI are briefly described below:
With this great accomplishment (100% success rate in H2020), TSI will continue progressing with its company strategy focused on the development of innovative solutions to maintain TSI’s services at the cutting-edge of engineering. This enables the possibility of providing the best response to the needs of its clients.