TSI -Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería S.L.- has taken the initiative to “open the doors” of its Remote Vibration Diagnosis Center
Given the reduction in movements derived from # COVID19 and to be closer to our customers, TSI -Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería SL- has taken the initiative to “open the doors” of its #RemotodeDiagnosticodeVibracionesCentro in a #free way, to attend all queries related to the analysis and diagnosis of vibrations in dynamic and static assets in Industrial Plants, Ships and Platforms.
It is intended, during this time, to offer both maintenance & #reliability staff and engineering & quality control departments, as well as anyone who needs it, the possibility of receiving a specialized opinion on possible unwanted dynamic behaviors that may be happening in their facilities.
If you need our services to write to us at: : info@tsisl.es
A group of experts, with more than 40 years of experience, will offer you their best answer within 48 hours.
Also, if you want to participate in our next webinar on #Analysis of #RootCause, please contact us: tsi@tsisl.es