As part of our engineers continuous improvement and specialization, three (3) specialists engineers of TSI moved to AREVA NP GmbH´s headquarters in Erlangen (Germany) to receive a specialized training about KÜS (Loose Parts Detection) and its (Primary vibration monitoring) systems.
This technology transfer is included in the Cooperation Agreement that AREVA NP GmbH and TSI have signed since the end of 2009, to improve the maintenance services, calibration and support of the Spanish Nuclear Power Plants.
This agreement is focused to offer to the Spanish Nuclear Sector the following solutions and services: Vibration Monitoring Systems in the primary circuit Detection System Loose Parts, Diagnostic System Valves, Leak Detection System, and the full range of related services: renovation and modernization of existing systems, replacement of components, services, surveillance and periodic assistance in diagnosis, maintenance , verification and calibration systems, and finally, training and qualification of plant´s staff in handling this systems.
KÜS and SÜS systems are currently in operation in Trillo NPP and the maintenance programme related to them are scheduled for the month of May during the next refuelling of the NPP. Additionally, this type of service, apart from the installed systems, is being implemented by TSI in other nuclear plants.
With this strategy of specialized training for its engineers, TSI aims to improve the quality of its services and its specialized services of diagnosis.