We are honoured to announce that TSI-TÉCNICAS Y SERVICIOS DE INGENIERÍA, S.L., has been selected as Noise and Vibration (N&V) Consultant during the design and building processes of the three ships of the Fleet Solid Support Programme (FSS) for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary of the United Kingdom (UK).
The Ministry of Defence of the UK has awarded the programme to Team Resolute, a consortium comprising BMT, Harland & Wolff and Navantia and led by Navantia UK. The programme, valued at 1.6 billion GBP (1.8 billion euros) is focused on the transfer of knowledge and technology to boost UK shipbuilding capacity.
The Ministry of Defence of the UK has awarded the programme to Team Resolute.
The vessels will be built between the Harland & Wolff shipyards in Belfast (Northern Ireland) and Appledore, and the Navantia shipyard in Puerto Real, (Cádiz, Spain). The integration of all ship blocks and systems will be carried out entirely in Belfast. The start of construction is scheduled for 2025 and the completion date, by which the ships must be operational, has been set for 2032. More than 14 million hours of work are expected between Spain and the United Kingdom.
The contract with seeks to optimise noise and vibration comprehensive management, which has a direct impact on the integrity of the platforms and the protection of the health of the crew. The ships shall meet the restrictive Comfort Class Notation CEPAC 1- Crew and Embarked Personnel Comfort- of LR- Lloyd Register of Shipping. The awardis a significant milestone and promises a revolution in the way noise and vibration comprehensive management is approached.
The ships shall meet the restrictive Comfort Class Notation CEPAC 1- Crew and Embarked Personnel Comfort- of LR- Lloyd Register of Shipping.
TSI’s involvement in the programme will ensure that noise and vibration levels within the FSS ships will be reduced to a low level, enhancing the RFA and Royal Navy operators’ comfort and safety, and their ability to operate effectively. Reduced noise will also help to protect marine organisms, contributing to the ships’ environmental credentials. TSI will work with BMT, the FSS design agent in the UK, bringing world class expertise to the UK design for the benefit of the operators.
The core of the role of TSI as N&V Consultant within this project will be suitable application of the own methodology of “Noise & Vibration Comprehensive Management” based on 46 year of experience and experimentally validated for the design of “Silent Ships”.
It includes, among others, activities focused on controlling the noise and vibration sources from an acoustical and dynamic point of view, simulation activities to estimate the expected noise and vibration levels at the different spaces of the ship, recommendations to meet the CEPAS1 Class Notation and definition of the corresponding validation tests: FAT- Factory Acceptance Tests- and Sea trials.
TSI is ISO certified ISO 9001:2015 certified by DNV with accreditation by UKAS, the National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom.
TSI as Spanish SME is very proud to participate in this emblematic project for NAVANTIA and want to thank them for their trust.